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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Negara - Negara Terkecil di Dunia

  Saat saya membaca isi dari topik tersebut, saya begitu tertarik untuk segera memposting ke blog saya. Ada banyak fakta unik mengenai negara - negara yang dikategorikan ke dalam negara terkecil di dunia, salah satunya adalah luas wilayahnya dan jumlah penduduknya, untuk lebih jelasnya akan saya jelaskan sebagai berikut :

1. Vatikan (State Of Vatican City)

Letak negara Vatikan berada di dalam wilayah kota Roma,Italia. Vatikan merupakan negara terkecil di dunia karena, luas wilayah negara ini tidak lebih dari 0,44 km2 dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 800 orang. Bahkan, kebanyakan dari mereka bukanlah penduduk tetap, melainkan pendatang dari berbagai negara yang sedang bertugas di Vatikan. Vatikan merupakan tempat tinggal Paus, dan wilayah Takhta Suci, serta merupakan pusat Gereja Katholik.

2. Monaco (Principaute de Monaco)
Letak negara Monaco berada di dekat kota Nice, Perancis. Luas wilayah negara Monaco sekitar 1,95 km2 dengan jumlah penduduk sebanyak 32ribu jiwa. Negara ini hanya memiliki satu kotamadya, meskipun tanggung jawab pemerintah dan tingkat kotamadya berbeda. Agama yang dominan adalah agama Katholik Roma dengan bahasa resmi yaitu bahasa Perancis.

3. Nauru (Ripublik Naoero)

Letak negara Nauru berada di sebelah selatan Samudera Pasifik, tepat di bawah Garis Khatulistiwa / di sebelah selatan Kepulauan Marshall. Luas wilayahnya sekitar 21 km2, dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 14 ribu jiwa. Keunikan dari negara ini yaitu, negara ini tidak mempunyai ibu kota tetap. Tapi, pada umumnya Yaren Yaren dianggap sebagai ibu kota, karena pusat pemerintahan Nauru berada di kota tersebut.

4. Tuvalu

Sebelum berganti menjadi Tuvalu, dulunya negara ini dikenal dengan Kepulauan Ellice. Terletak di Samudera Pasifik, diantara Asutralia dan Hawaii. Luas negara ini sekitar 26 km2, dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 11.500 jiwa (sensus pada tahun 2006).

5. San Marino (Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino)

Merupakan negara terkecil ketiga di Benua Eropa. Terletak di negara Italia, berbatasan dengan provinsi Rimini. Luas wilayahnya sekitar 61,2 km2 dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 29.251 jiwa. San Marino merupakan negara republik konstitusional tertua di dunia, karena dibentuk pada tanggal 3 September 301. Konstitusi San Marino yang diberlakukan pada tahun 1600 juga merupakan yang tertua di dunia yang masih berlaku sampai sekarang.

6. Liechtenstein (Furstentum Liechtenstein)

Negara berbentuk kerajaan ini terletak di antara Swiss dan Austria. Luas wilayah negara ini sekitar 160km2 dengan jumlah penduduk skitar 35ribu jiwa. Liechtenstein merupakan negara yang kaya raya dan makmur karena penghasilan utama negara ini didapat dari sektor perbankan dan sektor pariwisata. Liechtenstein juga di kenal sebagai surga para pengemplang pajak, menurut CIA World Factbook.

7. Republik Kepulauan Marshall (Aolepan Aorokin Majel Republic of the Marshall Islands)

Negara ini terletak di sebelah barat Samudera Pasifik, sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Nauru dan Kiribati, sebelah barat berbatasan dengan Mikronesia, dan sebelah utara berbatasan dengan Pulau Wake. Luas wilayah negara ini sekitar 181 km2, dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 62.000 jiwa. Penemu pertama pulau Marshall merupakan penjelajah asal Spanyol bernama Alonso de Salazar.

Semoga referensi ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Terimakasih...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Big Four Serie-A Jersey 2012-2013

A.C. Milan Jersey Season 2012-2013 :
Home :

Juventus Jersey Season 2012-2013 :
Home :

Inter Milan Jersey Season 2012-2013 :
Away :

Roma Jersey 2012-2013 :
Home :

How to Success in Network Marketing

Being successful in network marketing is more simple than most people would think. Unfortunately, the vast majority distributors have no clue what they are doing. From day 1 they are setting themselves up for failure.
They are taught to go out and pitch their business to anyone that will listen. They call their family, friends, approach people at gas stations and grocery markets all to no avail. This is the most inefficient and uncomfortable way to build a business. And is never going to make you successful in network marketing.
This market is not targeted, and not interested.
When you know where to find people that are already interested in exactly what it is that you have to offer then it is very simple to be successful in network marketing. What is not being taught is that there are hundreds of thousands of people joining the home based business industry on a daily basis, and these people are hungry and eagerly looking for the best opportunity to get involved in.
So how do you position yourself in front of these targeted people so that while they are searching for the right opportunity YOU show up and attract these prospects?
1. They are looking for a leader who can show them how to have success online.
The great thing about this is that even if this is your first day online and you haven't even had any success in network marketing to speak of, you can still show people how to have success.
By being part of a training system, a system that is going to show them exactly how to have success in network marketing they are going to see you as the leader they want to join.
Everybody that ever bought a drill really wanted a hole.
People don't care about how great your company or your compensation plan is. They didn't join this industry because of their love to sell a certain product. They really want knowledge on how THEY can be successful in network marketing.
By leading with success knowledge, or knowledge on where they can go to get training on how to be successful in network marketing you will brand yourself as a leader and people will literally hunt you down to join you in business.
While the masses are out trying to sell and convince their uninterested family members you are going to be soaking up the traffic and dominating the leaderboards of your company once you know how to market your business correctly.
To learn exactly how to be successful in network marketing read and click the link below.
To learn how to market like the pros, generate endless amounts of targeted leads, and recruit distributors on command without ever having to deal with rejection visit

Strategy To Become An (Internet) Entrepreneur

Everyone wants to be their own boss. The majority of us would love to determine our own salaries, but the reality is only a few manage to succeed doing this. The good news is that you absolutely do have the ability to work for yourself- it's just a matter of how bad you want it. Becoming an entrepreneur isn't easy, but it's something that anyone can achieve, with hard work and dedication. Striving to become an entrepreneur is the most profitable, and easiest option for those who choose to work for themselves.
An entrepreneur is successful because of the way they think. Their mindset is focused on analyzing opportunities that can create them sustainable income. If you want to work for yourself without any time constraints, the best opportunity for creating income is the internet. Most successful entrepreneurs find ways of utilizing the internet to create more profits, because a majority of the entire world is "online," literally putting a world wide market at your fingertips.
Understanding the concept of having high traffic is extremely beneficial to internet entrepreneurs. Gurus are extremely successful because they focus on the big picture, instead of just the short term goal. In order to work for yourself, you have to think outside of the box, instead of thinking the "traditional way." The reason internet gurus get so much business is because it takes less work to attract 100 times more people to listen or view your product and service than what it takes to draw customers to a brick and mortar business.
The traditional way of marketing yourself is to spend a huge deal of money to market your business, service or product, and pray that someone who watches or listens to your advertisement will contact you for more information. On the other hand, when it comes to the internet, all of the information is saved and ready for anybody to review and learn from, through the use of search engines or by seeing advertisements. The internet is always online, constantly changing, always moving, and you have a constant market of potential clients browsing. You don't have to be there to watch or operate the business if you properly build your business from the start.
If you want to work for yourself, you have to work smarter, not harder. Most people believe that making fast money is too hard or too difficult, but entrepreneurs believe that anything, including making fast money, is possible- it just may be a bit more of a challenge. Finding targetable keywords to advertise or market on the internet is much more powerful and effective than launching a public advertisement and hoping to catch someone's interest. When you target specific keywords, you are targeting the specific market of individuals who are looking for what you have to offer.
The last strategy to working for yourself is to invest or do research on more than just one business opportunity. Successful entrepreneurs never invest all of their energy on just one specific product or service, because they know that diversification will create a higher percentage of returns. They find other options or viable means to protect their assets and generate more income for the long term, which is what we should do as well if we plan to work for ourselves. Remember the old addage to never put all your eggs in one basket? Diversification is the business world's version of this! Why should we settle for just one way to make money when there are over a 1000 opportunities out there to work for yourself?
If you want to successfully use the internet as a tool to independently create your own wealth it requires patience, a positive attitude, and a willingness to learn. If this sounds like something you can accomplish, I highly encourage you to start thinking about how much you want to make, instead of relying on a job to make it for you.
If you're looking for a legitimate way to earn income online and want to learn how to build a successful internet business, go to discover where education meets opportunity!

Taller Tips That Will Blow Your Mind Away!!!

There are many people who have a strong desire to grow taller. They are unhappy with their current height and they feel jealous of taller people. Some of these people would do anything to add a few more inches to their height, that's why we provided some good how to grow taller tips for you. How tall or short someone will be depends mostly on their genes and if you are blessed with the short gene don't worry.
There are many ways and tips out there that can help anyone increase their height even if they haven't grown in years. The how to grow taller tips we will give focuses on eating right, sleeping right, and having good posture. These are the natural and easiest tips that have been proven to work, so don't take them lightly.
The first thing you want to focus on when it comes to growing taller is the proper nutrition. Including the proper nutrition in your height program is of grave importance when someone desires to grow taller. By not eating the right foods your height could be surrendered.
Your diet must consist of a verity of vitamins and minerals. You must consume foods that are rich in vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, protein, iron, and zinc. Eating the right foods will keep the body in a healthy condition and assist it in secreting human growth hormone into the brain, with the body needs to grow.
Another key element in growing taller is to have good posture throughout the day. It is said that proper posture is so important that you could gain 1 to 2 inches in a short time. You must pay attention to your posture all throughout the day. When you're sitting, standing, and walking make sure your shoulders are back and your chin is up.
It is actually quite typical for short people to have bad posture. Poor posture causes the muscles to work harder which results in you being tired. It is also believed that poor posture could eventually rob you of your current height, so focus on having good posture throughout your day.
In order for your growth hormones to work to their maximum potential you must have proper rest every night. Try to be in bed anytime before 12am. By going to bed anytime before 12am the body is able to get good quality sleep and shoot out large amounts of human growth hormone to the brain. By staying up late you will not be able to increase your height. So get good proper rest!
These are just a few how to grow taller tips that will produce amazing results if followed. There are many more powerful and incredible tips that will help you reach your goal of being taller. Always remember anyone could grow a few more inches no matter how old they are!

Benefit From Bubble Game

Bubble Game was released in 1986, and was similar to Atari's game called Bubbles. Bubble Shooter, which is the flash version of the game, not only requires no special skills whatsoever, but is also extremely fun and very simple to play. The rules are very easy to understand and straight forward. The player blows up as many bubbles as they can within a certain period of time. The score will depend on the number of colored balls that the player pops. If a bubble object touches the ground, then the game will end automatically.
Players need to find a line-up of three or more balls of the same color. They will then look at the color of the object coming out of the cannon at the bottom of the screen. This is to help the player know what color is coming next, so that they can plan the best strategy for game play. The computer mouse will help the player in navigating the cannon to shoot in the correct direction at whatever color the player is aiming for.
This means that planning ahead for your next move is absolutely necessary if you are going to clear the objects before the time limit has elapsed. The goal is to pop the colored objects before they reach the bottom of your screen to keep game play going. It only takes one bubble to touch the ground before the game ends. A good method of popping many colored balls at once is to bank the ball you are shooting off of the side wall of the playing board. If you do this, you can knock out many different colors of bubbles at once. This will allow the player to score a lot of points, and will progress the player to further levels in the game.
Another game that is similar to Bubble is a game called Bubble Bobble. This game was released in 1986 by Taito. In this game, a dragon is used to shoot the bubbles. There are also enemies on the playing board in this game. Once the objects are popped, the enemies will disappear. Thanks to the success of this marvelous game, more games have been developed that are very similar to the original game. Bubble has been introduced into many educational classrooms, and is especially used for children who have developmental problems or special needs. It teaches children to problem solve, strategize, identify colors and even improves motor skills.

Build Profitable Marketing Website Ease

If you are like most people, you spend a great deal of time each day on the Internet - and of course, one of the things that makes the Internet so appealing and wonderful is the fact that it is all pretty self-explanatory, and you really do not need any specialized knowledge or skills in order to use it.
If you have ever tried to build a website of your own, however, you have probably found that the Internet can quickly become a whole lot more complicated, and can seem as though it actually requires a great deal of specialized knowledge and skills!
Now, there are plenty of reasons why someone might choose to build a website.
Perhaps they are building it in order to simply record their thoughts and the goings-on of their life.
Perhaps they are wanting to set up a website for their small business.
Or, perhaps they are wanting to set up a website that will help them to make money online.
Regardless of the sort of website you are wanting to build, however, the basics of putting together this website will be the same - and the basic truth of the matter is, anyone can build their own website!
If you have tried at one point or another to build a website through which you can make money online with niche marketing, you may disagree with the statement made in the last sentence, as you perhaps found through your efforts that building a profitable website was anything but a piece of cake.
If you found this to be the case, however, there is a very good chance that you were simply lacking the simple, yet specialized knowledge that will help you to achieve success.
Because of how simple the Internet seems to be on the surface, many people neglect to realize that the Internet is actually quite the nuanced machine.
And then, once people come to realize this through their efforts to build a profitable niche marketing website, they often decide to simply give up.
If this is the point you have reached yourself, make sure you continue pressing!
By visiting a site such as How-Do-I-Build-A-Website, you will actually be able to find everything you need to know about building a website that is not only easy to manage, but that is easy to turn a profit with as well!
In fact, this site will provide you with the step-by-step road map you will need to follow in order to successfully (and easily) built your own website.
And of course, once this website is built, you will be that much closer to achieving all the things a great website is capable of achieving - and will be that much closer to establishing a strong and permanent presence online!
To get your Free Niche Profit Revolution Report and Start Building Profitable Websites Today Go To:

Monday, June 25, 2012

Berbagai Usaha Menjelang Bulan Ramadhan

Bulan Ramadhan - Bulan Ramadhan memang bulan yang penuh berkah, banyak orang yang berasal dari berbagai macam  latar belakang menanti - nantikan bulan tersebut. Tak terkecuali untuk para pedagang ataupun para calon pengusaha dadakan, kebanyakan dari mereka memanfaatkan momentum Ramadhan dengan "menggelar" berbagai macam usaha yang seakan "mendukung" kemeriahan Bulan Suci tersebut.
Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi referensi dengan teman-teman tentang berbagai peluang usaha menjelang Bulan Ramadhan :

1. Bisnis Makanan dan Minuman Berbuka Puasa
Menjual berbagai jenis makanan dan  minuman yang tepat untuk berbuka puasa, misalnya kolak buah dan yang lainnya dapat mendatangkan keuntungan yang lumayan. Tetapi kelancaran dalam usaha ini biasa dipengaruhi oleh berbagai hal, seperti faktor tempat anda berjualan, faktor kemahiran anda dalam berinovasi dan tentunya faktor harga yang anda patok juga harus diperhatikan.

2. Bisnis Pakaian Muslim dan Perlengkapan Ibadah
Menjelang Bulan Ramadhan, apalagi menjelang Lebaran, tentu pembelian berbagai pakaian muslim serta perlengkapan ibadah lainnya akan melonjak. Anda dapat meraih keuntungan yang lumayan dari bisnis ini jika jeli dalam melihat peluang. Tapi, dalam memulai bisnis ini, anda harus memperhatikan kualitas, desain, dan harga yang cocok dengan para pembeli.

3. Bisnis Kue Lebaran
Momen lebaran menjadi poin lebih dalam bisnis kue lebaran, seperti kue coklat, kue keju, kue lidah kucing, dan masih banyak lagi yang lain. Apalagi pada masa-masa menjelang lebaran, tentu permintaan akan kue-kue tersebut akan semakin banyak.

4. Bisnis Parcel
Parcel tidak hanya berupa makanan dan minuman, tapi bisa juga berupa peralatan sholat, peralatan rumah tangga, buah-buahan, dan lain sebagainya.

5. Penyewaan Kendaraan (Mobil)
Bisnis ini merupakan salah satu bisnis yang sangat menjanjikan saat Bulan Ramadhan berlangsung. Jumlah kendaraan umum yang terbatas membuat sebagian masyarakat berfikir untuk menyewa mobil / kendaraan lainnya di Rental Mobil atau tempat penyewaan lainnya.

6. Jasa Pengiriman Barang
Bisnis ini juga lumayan menguntungkan, karena adanya sebagian masyarakat yang enggan mudik ke kampung halamannya dan memilih untuk mengirim berbagai barang sebagai hadiah atau bingkisan bulan Ramadhan.

Masih banyak lagi usaha-usaha lainnya yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang tidak sedikit di bulan Ramadhan. Semoga referensi saya bermanfaat. Amiiin...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

100 Universitas Terbaik di Dunia 2012 versi 4ICU

Universitas Terbaik - Tahun 2012 ini seperti tahun - tahun yang lalu dari 100 universitas terbaik, banyak di dominasi oleh universitas dari Amerika,  sementara dari benua Asia, banyak di dominasi oleh universitas dari negara-negara seperti China, Jepang, Korea, Taiwan,Singapura.

1  Massachusetts Institute of Technology    United States
2  Stanford University    United States
3  Harvard University    United States
4  University of California, Berkeley    United States
5  The University of Texas at Austin    United States
6  Cornell University    United States
7  University of Michigan    United States
8  University of Pennsylvania    United States
9  University of Washington    United States
10  Penn State University    United States
11  Columbia University in the City of New York    United States
12  University of Wisconsin-Madison    United States
13  University of Minnesota    United States
14  University of California, Los Angeles    United States
15  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México    Mexico
16  Yale University    United States
17  Purdue University    United States
18  University of Cambridge    United Kingdom
19  University of Oxford    United Kingdom
20  Carnegie Mellon University    United States
21  New York University    United States
22  University of Virginia    United States
23  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey    United States
24  Indiana University    United States
25  University of Florida    United States
26  Michigan State University    United States
27  University of Arizona    United States
28  University of Southern California    United States
29  Princeton University    United States
30  University of California, San Diego    United States
31  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill    United States
32  University of Maryland    United States
33  University of Chicago    United States
34  California Institute of Technology    United States
35  University of Toronto    Canada
36  Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich    Switzerland
37  Duke University    United States
38  Texas A&M University    United States
39  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University    United States
40  The University of Edinburgh    United Kingdom
41  University of California, Davis    United States
42  Arizona State University    United States
43  The Ohio State University    United States
44  The University of British Columbia    Canada
45  University College London    United Kingdom
46  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign    United States
47  Johns Hopkins University    United States
48  Universität Wien    Austria
49  University of Colorado Boulder    United States
50  North Carolina State University    United States
51  University of California, Irvine    United States
52  CUNY System    United States
53  Peking University    China
54  Washington University in St. Louis     United States
55  Northwestern University    United States
56  University of Pittsburgh    United States
57  Keio University    Japan
58  National University of Singapore    Singapore
59  Georgia Institute of Technology    United States
60  University of Georgia    United States
61  University of California, Santa Barbara    United States
62  Shanghai Jiao Tong University    China
63  Boston University    United States
64  University of Iowa    United States
65  Iowa State University of Science and Technology    United States
66  Brigham Young University    United States
67  University of Utah    United States
68  Florida State University    United States
69  Technische Universität Berlin    Germany
70  Universidade de São Paulo    Brazil
71  University of Hawaii System    United States
72  McGill University    Canada
73  Fudan University    China
74  Washington State University    United States
75  The University of Tokyo    Japan
76  Freie Universität Berlin    Germany
77  Zhejiang University    China
78  Xi’an Jiaotong University    China
79  University of South Florida    United States
80  Georgetown University    United States
81  Rice University    United States
82  Dartmouth College    United States
83  Brown University    United States
84  University of California, Santa Cruz    United States
85  University of Oregon    United States
86  University of Alberta    Canada
87  University of California, Riverside    United States
88  The University of New South Wales    Australia
89  Colorado State University    United States
90  Simon Fraser University    Canada
91  The Australian National University    Australia
92  Nanjing University    China
93  Monash University    Australia
94  Universidad de Granada    Spain
95  University of Nebraska-Lincoln    United States
96  University at Buffalo, State University of New York    United States
97  Universitetet i Oslo    Norway
98  National Taiwan University    Taiwan
99  University of Calgary    Canada
100  Vanderbilt University    United States

Sementara itu, ITB yang merupakan universitas unggulan di tanah air berada di peringkat 138 dunia, ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia masih jauh tertinggal dengan negara-negara Eropa, Amerika, maupun di Asia sendiri.
Semoga dengan referensi yang saya sampaikan, dapat bermanfaat bagi anda semua.